Tuesday, October 31, 2006

G'day cousins! Good work Sharon for setting the blog up. This is a fantastic idea since all the cousins are on different ends of the earth. Considering this day and age, we should make technology work for us.
So just last week I met up with Sharon in Sydney since she was passing by on a business trip. We ate, drank and shopped. In the mornings, I slept in while Sharon went on her crazy 10-20 km runs. We soaked in bubble baths in the Shangri-la enjoying the luxuries of the upper class people.
Life in Melbourne is peaceful. It is a 6 week countdown to the Melbourne wedding. Nerves are still calm, abit of anxiety could get me more organised for the impending day. I have no excuses to say that work has been too busy as it has been a 8 - 5pm days. But this may all end this weekend when i change departments where i might have to work every other weekend. They might even make me do night shift eventhough i had warned them not too as I did not want racoon eyes on my wedding day.
Well, keep those posting going. A little hello or note would be wonderful.


Monday, October 30, 2006

hi all - let's start this family blog so we can keep in touch with one another - all over the world!
In this blog, we can post pictures (especially of the children!)
and write about where you've been, what you've eaten, what you've done and so on.. family holidays are especially
good to note!
Let's keep in touch.. !