yushan - this shot's for you.. a vintage MG in bright orange.. seen quite a few vintage cars here in Miri. Can bring your chequebook here next time too. there's a vintage volvo a few doors away from my friends' home!
Here's a "nodding donkey"..they're in people's backyards and gardens in Kuala Belait, Brunei! Amazing.. no wonder Brunei is so rich.. oil can still be pumped from the ground here. Even in some Arab countries, oil is now being pumped offshore.. not on. miri used to have its nodding donkeys too, but no more. It's offshore drilling nowadays
you know what.. the skies here are amazing. Saw a stunning sunset today but I didn't have my camera with me. I should take more pix of the skies at different times tomrw. The land is very flat in Miri, it's by the coast. But the skies seem a lot closer to the ground somehow and not so far away. makes u think the earth is flat!
You finally did it. Wow. U want to go to Pulau Perhentian to go scuba diving with me or i could go scuba diving and u could research the islands?
oh when r u going!!???
June - july - i'm free!! Was planning to hit trengganu later in the yr
cos i want to cover the monsoon cup but I can go there twice, sure. !
I"ve survived MT K!! pix and blog posting up soon :)
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