Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A small world

It's a small world after all (hum to music), it's a small world after all..

on Sunday, Feb 4, I was standing in queue to check in for my flight from Geneva to Singapore (work trip)
and someone familiar pops up in front of me !

Good thing I got my nikon coolpix with me!

Yushan - where did you go to ski?? Some of us just travel to work, not play! hah
Cool to meet cousins halfway across the world.
It was a hi (yushan), hi!!! (sharon), oh must take a picture (sharon), hurry,i've got to run cos my plane is flying off in 20 mins (yushan) kinda moment..

1 comment:

yee ling said...

well done, yu shan, you look like an overworked- stressed out-drained-have been awake for the last 60 hours sort of lawyer- you are definitely on route to success!! :) no kidding.