Hi Lynn.. Good to read your blog!! I was busy in London at that time.. attending the twins' birthday party! Which was well-represented by cousins like Ian, and my cousin Michael as well.. very nice. Hey Ian, it was a revelation that you enjoy playing with kids, good for you!
Isabelle and Olivia are super duper cute, with tubby tummies and the cutest smiles! They're just learning their first words. They're much quicker when it comes to actions though.. and their mommy karen is very good at teaching them what actions and sounds to make!
but looking after them double a full-time job - their routine goes something like this;
730am wake up, hv milk, breakfast, change nappy, play in front of TV until 10am; nap time. wake up and hv lunch around 1230pm, after which there's usually another nappy change during which they squirm like little worms and fuss.
then it's nap time at 2, 230pm, wake up at 3.30pm - and that's when they hv to be entertained until dinner time at 530pm-6pm.
Happily, they've been going to bed by 8pm. and sleeping all the way through.
Thought I'd post some pictures of their birthday party held at the church hall..

Izzy's in PINK and Libby's in BLUE

The twins had such fun at the party they were still dreaming of it, I'm sure.
Here's the morning after the party! Libby and Chris