Oops, we forgot to take pictures of Cheh Ee's ACTUAL moving day
but here's the Martina Mansion aptment after almost everything had been cleared out!
Cheh Ee's BIG MOVE was Friday, Mar 16, where the movers came right on the dot that morning, and very efficiently started wrapping all the furniture up in cardboard to move to the big container van. Then Cheh Ee flew to Penang that afternoon.
My move was the next day, Sat.. and it was a packed wknd for me, where I got stuff moved to Chee Tiang Ee's place on Sat morning, came back to the aprt, took bus to KL, ran a half marathon the next morning, took 1.30pm bus back to Singapore after that, and i was back in the apt doing the last minute packing by 6pm. Off I went at 7pm, to Simei! Clockwork. Praise God noone was late, and bus didn't break down in between!
Cheh Ee, now you have to take pictures of the Penang apt to show us how it's like - fully furnished!

The Living Room

The Master Bedroom

My stuff piled up near the front door - as I await a lift from Patrick, to Pat and Karen's place..